1 Introduction

     1.1 Introduction

Quality is not an ideal, but a paradigm! And nowhere quality is taken as seriously as it is in Quality Enhancement Cell at Dadabhoy Institute of Higher Education (DIHE).

Quality Enhancement Cell is an integral part of Dadabhoy Institute of Higher Education. Though the quality assurance mechanism was initiated in 2006, yet it was in June 2010 that a full-fledged department by the name of Quality Enhancement Cell was established at DIHE.QEC Establishment has been approved by all of the statutory bodies at DIHE.

Since its establishment, QEC has played a very vital role in developing and enhancing the quality of all programs being offered at DIHE, and compete with counterparts across Pakistan.

1.2 HEC QA Manual (Download)

so responsible for planning and coordinating self-assessment activities at DIHE, to ensure that the HEC guidelines are followed and to chalk out action plans for enhancement of quality of programs.

2. QEC Vision

To facilitate all departments in making DIHE a synonym for Quality in Higher Education, at national and international level

3. QEC Mission

To assure and enhance the standards of higher education being imparted at DIHE by setting up an exemplary Quality Assurance mechanism that shall be congruent with the national and international practices, in order to elevate DIHE as top class HEI of the world on the basis of its academics, research and institutional excellence

QEC Objectives

To promote public confidence that the quality and standards of the award of degrees are enhanced and safeguarded.
Review quality standards and the quality of teaching and learning in each subject area.
Review academic affiliations with other institutions in terms of effective management of standards and quality of programs.
Develop, in collaboration with respective academic teams, the qualifications framework by setting out the attributes and abilities that can be expected from the holder of a qualification, i.e. Bachelors, Bachelor with Honors, Master’s, M. Phil, and Doctoral.
Plan & develop quality assurance processes and methods of evaluation to affirm that the quality of provision and the standard of awards are being maintained and to foster curriculum, subject and staff development, together with research and other scholarly activities.
Ensure that the university’s quality assurance procedures are designed to fit in with the arrangements in place nationally for maintaining and improving the quality of Higher Education.
Plan and conduct capacity building QA training workshops for faculty and staff
QEC is responsible to be part of developing policies & procedures for the following:
  • Internal & External Institutional Performance Evaluation
  • Program Evaluation
  • Approval of new programs
  • Annual monitoring and evaluation including program monitoring, faculty monitoring, and student’s perception.
  • Qualification Framework, as per HEC guidelines
  • Departmental review
  • Current and Graduated Students’ feedback
  • Faculty Feedback
  • Employer feedback

5 QEC Organogram

   5.1 Organizational Chart


 5.2 Team

The Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) is headed by the Director QEC reporting directly to the Rector. S/he is the correspondent with the outside bodies, especially QAA & QAD at Higher Education Commission, and is an ex-officio member of all statutory bodies. (HEC Directive & DIHE Notification)

       1.Director QEC

        2.Deputy Director QEC (Additional Charge)

          3.Assistant Director QEC 

          4.QEC Officer

         5.Data Analyst (Additional Charge)

          6.Peon (QEC)

    • Mr. Abdul Khaliq



5.3 QEC Ranking

QEC of DIHE has been continuously rated in the top category of “W”, by Quality Assurance Agency of Higher Education Commission

Year QEC (DIHE) Rating on the Point Scale of 100 Status of DIHE-QEC
2013-14 84%  ‘W’ A Category
2014-15 87.9%  ‘W’ A Category
2015-16 94.7% ‘W’ A Category
2016-17 Results not released by HEC
2017-18 57.6% ‘W’A Category

6. Institutional Performance Evaluation

     6.1 HEC IPE Manual (Download)
     6.2 Internal IPE Team Notification (Download)
     6.3 IPE Standards
            Standard 1: Mission and Goals
            Standard 2: Planning and Evaluation
            Standard 3: Organization and Governance
            Standard 4: Integrity
            Standard 5: Faculty
            Standard 6: Students
            Standard 7: Institutional Resources 
            Standard 8: Academic Programs and Curricula
            Standard 9: Public Disclosure and Transparency
            Standard 10: Assessment & Quality Assurance
            Standard 11: Student Support Services

     6.4 IPE Events
    6.5 HEC Semester Guidelines (Download)
    6.6 Pakistan Qualification Register (Download)

7. Program Self-Assessment Review (SAR)

7.1 HEC SAR Manual (Download)
      7.2 Program Team/s
      7.3 SAR Notification (Download)
      7.4 SAR Standards
      7.5 SAR Template & Proforma (Download)

8. MS/MPhil/PhD Program Review 

     8.1    HEC Program Review (PPT) (Download)
     8.2   Internal Program Review Schedule
     8.3   Internal Program Review Team
     8.4   Post Graduate Program Admission & Examination Policy, Rules & Regulations (Download)
     8.5  Plagiarism Policy  
 8.6  HEC Recognized Journals (Click here)

9. QEC ACTIVITIES: Workshops/ Seminars/ Conferences
   9.1 Internal QA Workshops & Awareness Sessions
   9.2 External QA Workshops / Conferences/ Events
        9.2.1 International
       9.2.1 National

10. Linkages, Memberships & Collaborations

10.1 National Linkages &Memberships
           Member of Quality & Productivity Society of Pakistan (QPSP)
           Member Pakistan Network of Quality Assurance in Higher Education (PNQAHE)

10.2 International Membership
        Institutional Member of TheTalloires Network (click here)
10.3 Membership of QEC Head in Statutory bodies/Authorities
     • Board of Governors
     • Academic Council
     • Board of Advanced Studies & Research
     • Board of Faculty (of each Faculty at DIHE)
     • Selection Board
     • Finance & Planning Committee
     • Departmental Research Committee (of each Department offering Post Graduate programs at DIHE)

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