Anatomy Lab

The anatomy lab content typically includes the study of the structure and function of the human body through the examination of anatomical models, and other educational resources. Students in the anatomy lab learn about the different systems of the body, such as the skeletal system, muscular system, cardiovascular system, nervous system, and more. They study the anatomical structures, their relationships, and how they work together to support human physiology. Practical activities in the anatomy lab may involve dissections, identification of anatomical structures, and exploration of organs and tissues. The lab sessions provide hands-on learning opportunities to deepen understanding of human anatomy and its relevance to clinical practice.

Physiology Lab

The physiology lab focuses on the study of the functions and mechanisms of various physiological systems in the human body. In the lab, students engage in practical exercises and experiments to explore and understand the physiological processes that occur within the body.
During lab sessions, students may conduct experiments to measure vital signs, such as heart rate and blood pressure, investigate the effects of exercise on physiological parameters, study nerve conduction and reflexes, analyze respiratory function, and examine the principles of muscle contraction and control.
The aim of the physiology lab is to provide hands-on experience and reinforce theoretical knowledge gained in lectures. Students learn how to use specialized equipment and techniques to collect and analyze data, interpret experimental results, and understand the underlying physiological principles.
Through these practical exercises, students develop critical thinking skills, scientific inquiry, data analysis abilities, and an overall deeper understanding of human physiology. The physiology lab plays a vital role in bridging the gap between theoretical concepts and their practical application in the field of healthcare and biomedical sciences.

Biochemistry Lab

In the biochemistry lab, students engage in practical activities and experiments that focus on the study of chemical processes and molecules in living organisms. The lab content includes various topics related to biochemistry, such as:
Biomolecule Analysis: Students learn techniques to analyze and identify different biomolecules, including proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids.
Enzyme Kinetics: Students study enzyme activity and kinetics through experiments that measure enzyme reactions, enzyme-substrate interactions, and factors affecting enzyme activity, such as temperature, pH, and enzyme inhibitors.
The biochemistry lab provides an opportunity for students to apply theoretical knowledge, develop practical skills, and deepen their understanding of biochemistry principles. Through these experiments and activities, students learn to analyze data, interpret results, and draw conclusions, further enhancing their critical thinking and scientific inquiry skills in the field of biochemistry.

Rehabilitation Lab

In the rehabilitation lab, students engage in practical activities and exercises related to the field of rehabilitation and physical therapy. The lab content focuses on developing hands-on skills, enhancing clinical reasoning, and applying theoretical knowledge in a simulated or real patient care setting. Some of the common content areas covered in a rehabilitation lab include:
1. Assessment Techniques: Students learn and practice various assessment techniques used in rehabilitation, such as range of motion measurements, muscle strength testing, balance and coordination assessments, gait analysis, and functional assessments.

2. Therapeutic Exercises: The lab provides opportunities for students to learn and practice a wide range of therapeutic exercises used in rehabilitation. This includes exercises for strengthening, flexibility, cardiovascular fitness, balance training, and functional training.
3. Manual Therapy Techniques: Students learn manual therapy techniques, including joint mobilizations, soft tissue mobilizations, myofascial release, and manual stretching. They practice these techniques on simulated patients or with the guidance of instructors.

4. Assistive Devices and Modalities: Students become familiar with various assistive devices used in rehabilitation, such as crutches, walkers, canes, and wheelchairs. They also learn about the use of modalities like electrical stimulation, ultrasound, heat and cold therapy, and traction.
The rehabilitation lab serves as a valuable platform for students to apply theoretical knowledge, develop practical skills, and gain confidence in the application of rehabilitation techniques. It prepares them for clinical settings and reinforces their understanding of the principles and practices of rehabilitation therapy.

Medical Physics Lab

In the medical physics lab, students engage in practical activities and experiments related to the application of physics principles in the field of medicine and healthcare. The lab content covers various topics, including:
Radiological Safety and Protection: The lab emphasizes radiation safety and protection measures. Students learn about radiation safety protocols, radiation shielding, and radiation safety regulations. They practice implementing safety procedures and using personal protective equipment (PPE).

The medical physics lab provides students with hands-on experience, allowing them to apply physics principles in the medical field. Through practical activities and experiments, students develop technical skills, critical thinking abilities, and an understanding of the application of physics in medical diagnostics, radiation therapy, and imaging technologies.

IT Lab

The IT lab provides hands-on experience and practical skills development in various aspects of information technology. Through lab activities, students gain proficiency in using hardware and software tools, develop problem-solving and analytical skills, and become familiar with industry-standard practices in IT.