Workshop on Bloom’s Taxonomy Putting Bloom’s Taxonomy to Work

Workshop on Bloom’s Taxonomy “Putting Bloom’s Taxonomy to Work

The workshop started off with the learning objectives which included:
– Cognitive, psycho-motor and affective domain of Bloom’s taxonomy
– Differentiation between Cognitive, affective and psycho-motor domain
– How to use blooms taxonomy to write Effective Course Learning Objectives
– Creating syllabus linking to Bloom’s Taxonomy
The workshop also covered the Three Domains of Bloom’s Taxonomy: Cognitive, Affective & Psycho-motor in a great detail. The changes incurred in the Bloom’s Taxonomy from 1956 to 2001 and also covered how to use Bloom’s Taxonomy to develop syllabus.


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2019-3-27 8:00 am 2019-3-27 9:00 pm Pacific/Midway Workshop on Bloom’s Taxonomy Putting Bloom’s Taxonomy to Work Karachi, Pakistan
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