Minister of State for Interior visits DIHE

Mr. Shehryar Khan Afridi, Minister of State for Interior and member of the National Assembly visited the Dadabhoy Institute of Higher Education on March 18th, 2019. Mr. Shehryar said that the ultimate purpose of all educational institutions is to protect and groom humanity; institutions like DIHE should inculcate in the students a quest for knowledge, built on the edifice of a strong value system whose core elements are loyalty, responsibility and respect. The minister emphasized on the need to wake up before it is too late – there are great expectations from the youth of Pakistan, lets unite and compete by acquiring knowledge in an honest, respectful and responsible manner starting with our individual selves.

The Minister was earlier received by the Chairman DIHE Mr. Abdullah Dadabhoy and introduced to the students by the Rector, Prof.Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed. A DIHE shield and a small memento were presented as token of thanks to the honorable minister before his departure.