ALLAMA IQBAL – AN Inspiration for Youth organized in collaboration with MUSLIM Institute – 2nd April 2019

A meaningful session on Allama Iqbal – An Inspiration for youth was successfully conducted in collaboration with MUSLIM Institute at DIHE on the 2nd of April 2019.
Sahibzada Sultan Ahmad Ali Sb welcomed the audience and appreciated the efforts taken by the Dadbhoy Family for the society. Sahibzada Sb talked about Iqbal’s Poetry and how the poetry inspires youth. He quoted various Islamic references and shared examples of countries who value Iqbal and his contributions.
The seminar was followed by an interactive session between the distinguished Guests and the esteemed audience. Students, Faculty & Staff asked various questions which were well answered by our distinguished guest. All Deans of the institute, the Registrar and the Rector participated in the event.
In the end, he suggested the youth to strive hard for a better tomorrow. The distinguished guest was earlier received by the Registrar DIHE Capt. (R) Ahmed Zaheer and introduced to the students by the Dean Faculty of Social Sciences Prof. Dr. Abdul Aziz. A DIHE shield and a small memento were presented as token of thanks to the honorable guest before his departure.

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