HEC TEAM VISIT – 9th & 10th November 2018

An inspection team comprising members of the (Accreditation & Attestation Committee) of the Higher Education Commission (HEC) visited the Dadabhoy Institute of Higher Education (DIHE) on Friday 9th & Saturday 10th November, to check the compliance of the HEC guidelines. The members included the following persons:

1. Prof. Dr. Akhtar Baloch, Vice-Chancellor, Benazir Bhutto Shaheed University, Lyari
2. Prof. Dr. Tahira Aziz Mughal, Controller of Examinations, LCWU, Lahore
3. Mr. Suhail Ahmed Khatian, Controller of Examinations, MUET, Jamshoro
4. Mr. Javed Memon, Director, HEC Regional Centre, Karachi
5. A representative from HEC, Islamabad.

The Rector DIHE Prof. Dr. Abbas Choudhary welcomed and briefed the team members in detail about the Institute, its plans and actions taken to address rectify the observations made by the inspection team during their visit to the DIHE in May this year. The team members inspected a number of documents (including Admission forms of students, Fee record of students, Minutes of the meetings of all statutory bodies, approvals of establishing campuses/faculties/programs from statutory bodies). The members also physically visited the campus premises and verified that the required standards being maintained.

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